Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Mr Stamina's fans

It may be the most frustrating feature of this post election shambles. Commentators from the usual suspects - Devine, Albrechtsen, Henderson et. al. and then the not so usual suspects Kelly, Hartcher and Richo, keep pouring praise on the campaign conducted by Abbott.

That a Prime Ministerial candidate can impress large swathes of our commentariat based on achievements of stamina, focus and a staunch refusal to commit to policy shows just how broken the system is. And how blindingly inside these insiders are.

Friday, 6 August 2010

A climate conundrum....

Who's worse - the person or government that denies global warming despite the overwhelming weight of science, or the person (like me) or government that is convinced it's real, but doesn't really do anything about it?

 I wish I could be convinced to deny - especially with my carbon footprint.....